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If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. A look back on what we tried to accomplish at USgamer, and the work still to be done. Release L2 to leave the post and faceup Press and hold LT to post up.

Back to Top. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Forgot your password? Fake Pass – Press Triangle and O while standing still or driving. Jump Pass – Press Square and X while standing still or driving. Icon Pass – Press the right bumper, then press the corresponding icon of the receiver.

Flashy Pass – Double tap O to pass and use the left analog stick to select a receiver. Alley-Oop – Double tap Triangle to pass and use the left analog stick to select a receiver. Alley-Oop to Self – Double tap Triangle and move the left analog stick towards the hoop. Lead to Basket Pass – Press and hold Triangle to make the selected receiver cut to the basket, then release Triangle to pass.

Touch Pass – Press X before the initial receiver gets the ball, and use the left analog stick to select the second receiver.

Give and Go – Press and hold X until the receiver catches the ball. While keeping X held, use the left analog stick to move the initial passer, and release X to get the ball back. Post Pivot – Press and hold left trigger to post up. If you really want to excel though, and take your game to the next level, work on the other actions in the above list, particularly in the bottom half. A lot of gamers reject the importance of defense in the NBA Live series, preferring to focus on the more flashy offensive side of the game.

Having down these basics, however, is necessary in developing your game to the next level. The controls above are all fairly straightforward, but being able to properly block, rebound, and deflect can save you valuable points throughout the course of a game.


Nba 2018 controls xbox free.NBA LIVE 18 – Xbox One gameplay controls in NBA LIVE 18

December 8, Spin – Rotate the right analog stick clockwise, and then quickly release. In this NBA 2K19 offensive controls guide , we’ll be detailing the full layout of controls for when you’re on the offensive and driving towards your opponent’s basket. Hard Stop – Tap the left trigger while driving forwards. Create an account.


NBA LIVE 19 Demo Is Now Available For Xbox One – Xbox Wire. Nba 2018 controls xbox free


Release L2 to leave the post and faceup Press and hold LT to post up. Back to Top. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Forgot your password? Contents Tool. Press Start to Continue A look back on what we tried to accomplish at USgamer, and the work still to be done. Can’t be. Mastering when to do this can help you prevent the star offensive players of the world from dropping big numbers on you. Home sports NBA Live. By admin. Offense Advertisement.

Alley-Oop – Double tap Triangle to pass and use the left analog stick to select a receiver. Alley-Oop to Self – Double tap Triangle and move the left analog stick towards the hoop. Lead to Basket Pass – Press and hold Triangle to make the selected receiver cut to the basket, then release Triangle to pass.

Touch Pass – Press X before the initial receiver gets the ball, and use the left analog stick to select the second receiver. Give and Go – Press and hold X until the receiver catches the ball. While keeping X held, use the left analog stick to move the initial passer, and release X to get the ball back. Post Pivot – Press and hold left trigger to post up. Move the left analog stick in any direction and then quickly release. Drive to Key – Hold left trigger to post up. Hold right trigger and push the left analog stick towards the key, then quickly release the left trigger.

Spin or Drive – Hold left trigger to post up, then rotate the right analog stick to either shoulder. Thank you! Cancel Post Comment. Cancel Submit Report. Cancel Delete. Are you sure you want to delete your Profile? This will remove all of your posts, saved information and delete your account. This cannot be undone.


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