Vi-Soft was created by QA/QC professionals as a modular system that can accommodate any construction project – regardless of its scale, complexity, or number of participants. It serves as a commonplace for everybody involved in the project, collecting data from each team member as the project unfolds. Vi-Soft presents the user with a clear overview of the overall progress made whilst also sending alerts when failures/errors arise. Now you can ensure that all the necessary documentation required to get the project approved is right at your fingertips as soon as construction is finished.
Before the project starts, all suppliers, materials, subcontractors, and labs should be approved in the system. This system contains all the required certificates and follows-up automatically to ensure their validity. You may also develop a log of all parties involved who should have special certification or permits for different kinds of work.
We have thousands of preloaded field-proven checklists which cover all types of general construction and many special construction trades. All checklists are interactive and are attached to their corresponding branches within the project tree. The lab can then be communicated to directly from the checklist form. NCRs and RFIs are shared with the team members, and the system follows up for their fulfilment and approvals.
By indexing NCR levels, you can easily monitor problematic areas, suppliers, or materials. There are also analytics regarding scheduling.
With Vi-soft you can easily identify the discrepancy between performed, approved by QC team, and reported tasks. As the QC approval is the only indicator for an accomplished task, you can obtain the most reliable picture of the projects progress and compare this against the planned schedule.
A customizable, interactive dashboard displays the project progress and allows you to drill down and get a detailed picture of proceedings in terms of human resources and the involved equipment.
Vi-soft provides all the necessary tools to carry out a full author’s supervision procedure with the option
to share RFIs, generate requests for deviations from the project, as well as to generate a statement of changes in the project with follow-up for their execution.
All meetings, summaries, and decisions can be stored in Vi-Soft. Management can then assign tasks to the relevant people and follow the tasks execution.
In the Vi-soft system, you can keep various comprehensive logs and registers, such as employee training and certification logs.
There is an option to track the validity period of employee certificates and automatically generate corresponding work permits (tolerance sheets, a list of welders, etc.).
Vi-soft is an international company specializing in the development and maintenance of software for use in the construction industry.