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[Downloading Python (bit) from replace.me

Download the latest version for macOS · Download the latest source release · Download the latest version for Windows · Download the latest version of Python. Note that Python cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier. Download Download Windows embeddable package (bit); Download Windows help file.
Download Python | replace.me
Please turn JavaScript on for the full experience. Note: The release you are looking at is Python 3. See the downloads page for currently supported versions of Python. The final source-only security fix release for 3.
Full Changelog. Skip to content. Among the new major new features in Python 3. Help fund Python and its community. Windows users The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture. Also known as the “x64” architecture, and formerly known as both “EM64T” and “x”.
If installing Python 3. There are now “web-based” installers for Windows platforms; the installer will download the needed software components at installation time.
There are redistributable zip files containing the Windows builds, making it easy to redistribute Python as part of another software package. Please see the documentation regarding Embedded Distribution for more information. The new variant works on macOS You can import a person’s public keys from a public keyserver network server you trust by running a command like:.
On the version-specific download pages, you should see a link to both the downloadable file and a detached signature file. To verify the authenticity of the download, grab both files and then run this command:. Note that you must use the name of the signature file, and you should use the one that’s appropriate to the download you’re verifying.
Want to contribute? See the Python Developer’s Guide to learn about how Python development is managed. Skip to content. Python version Maintenance status First released End of support Release schedule. Looking for a specific release? Python releases by version number: Release version Release date Click for more. Sponsors Visionary sponsors help to host Python downloads. Licenses All Python releases are Open Source.
Sources For most Unix systems, you must download and compile the source code. Alternative Implementations This site hosts the “traditional” implementation of Python nicknamed CPython. Release Schedules Python 3. Release files for currently supported releases are signed by the following: Pablo Galindo Salgado 3. To verify the authenticity of the download, grab both files and then run this command: gpg –verify Python These instructions are geared to GnuPG and Unix command-line users.
Other Useful Items Looking for 3rd party Python modules? The Package Index has many of them.