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– Windows 10 Privacy | Is Windows 10 Spying on You? | AVG

If you’re anything like us, you set up previous Windows releases so that they wouldn’t install updates automatically – one forced reboot is one too many. Double-click Configure Automatic Updates in the list, select the Enabled radio button, and in the left-hand box select 2 – Notify for download and notify for install. Now click OK, and you’ll be notified whenever there are updates – unfortunately, they’ll be a daily irritation if you’re using Windows Defender.
The Group Policy Editor isn’t available on Windows 10 Home, but we’d recommend you at least open Windows Update, click Advanced options, and select Notify to schedule restart from the Choose how updates are installed list. While you’re here, all Windows 10 users might want to click Choose how updates are delivered and ensure that Updates from more than one place is either off or set to PCs on my local network. Windows 10 introduced Action Centre, a panel positioned to the side of the display which aggregates all the notifications your system makes so you can deal with them all at once.
It’s a handy feature but it can also become clogged with notifications quickly if they’re not frequently addressed. Notifications can vary from the incredibly important systems messages to miscellaneous social media of software updates. There is, however, a way to filter out the messages you have no interest in.
You can also just head straight to the settings screen by searching ‘notification and actions’ in the search bar. We’re not a fan of some of the data-sharing defaults in Windows 10, and we’d recommend all users review them periodically.
Use the Start Menu to search for and run the Settings app, then click Privacy. In the left-hand pane, you’ll see many areas where your computer might be sharing data.
It’s worth spending time checking that you’re comfortable with allowing apps to use your computer’s camera, microphone, account information and so on, and where you are, checking that no surprise apps appear in the lists.
Check that you’re happy with the default behaviour, which is to enable Cloud-based detection and Automatic sample submission.
Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of Wi-Fi Sense, which is designed to get you onto wireless networks more quickly. We’d strongly recommend turning off Connect to suggested open hotspots, connect to networks shared by my contacts, and disabling the button under Paid Wi-Fi services if it’s present. Additionally, Wi-Fi Sense might result in the sharing of your network’s wireless credentials among devices you don’t control and allow a guest to log in and their contacts – and potentially theirs in turn – may also be able to.
We’d recommend confining guests to a guest wireless network, configuring your own devices not to use Wi-Fi Sense, and asking staff to do the same before allowing their Windows 10 devices onto the main wireless network.
Safe Mode can be a life-saver in many system-critical problem situations, especially when your device is finding it difficult to start correctly. What you can try is to boot into Windows first, and then restart the device by pressing the left Shift key. If you ever want to get rid of the Safe Mode entry, you can do it easily by returning here and deleting it.
To turn this on, it must be enabled manually using Control Panel. Search for Create a restore point and click on the first result to open the System Properties page. Click the Apply button and then the OK button. Once this is done, Windows 10 will always create a restore point when applying a new update or when particular system changes are carried out.
Windows 10’s localisation options seem needlessly convoluted, and we’ve had multiple reports of incorrect localisation even in computers that were upgraded from correctly localised Windows 7 or Windows 8 installations. Check that the United Kingdom is selected under Country or region, and check that your chosen language s appear under Languages.
Select your primary language, click Options, and click Download under the language pack, and speech options if they’re present. Check on this page that the keyboard is also correct – if it isn’t, add the correct one, then select the wrong one and remove it. Under Language, click Change input methods, select your chosen language, move it to the top of the list if it isn’t there already, and click Options.
Under Windows display language you might see either Enabled or Available – if the latter, click Make this the primary language. If you don’t see either, download and install the language pack, then make it the primary language. Click the back arrow to return to the language preferences, and in the left-hand pane click Change date, time, or number formats and check that the format is set to the correct language.
Check the Home location on the Location tab, and finally use the Administrative tab to check the System locale and use the Copy settings button to apply the settings to the Welcome screen and new user accounts. Like Windows 8 before it, Windows 10 uses a hybrid boot to enable fast boot times. For settings and more information about cookies, view our Cookie Policy. Security Tips. AVG News. See all Security articles. IP Address. Social Media. Privacy Tips.
See all Privacy articles. Performance Tips. See all Performance articles. Link copied. This article contains:. Is Windows 10 Spying on you? Get back your privacy, Phase 1: Mastering the Switches Microsoft, probably in anticipation of backlash, has introduced a massive command center to its latest Windows 10 release: You can find it by clicking on the start menu and then the little cog on the left.
Location This category controls whether Windows, apps, browsers and more can track your location. Microphone Just like the webcam setting above, you can decide which Windows Store apps can use the microphone.
Notifications Turning this off essentially turns off notifications from some apps that need access to the notification features. Account info Lets you decide which apps can use your Microsoft Account information, name and pictures. It’s more of a question about user awareness. Start by reading the Terms of Service for anything you download and install to know which information is being collected.
Just like in the case of WiFi Sense, the settings of these said features can be managed to control what kind of information you are willing to share. Just visit the Privacy menu to change how the system handles your data.
Like it? Add this infographic to your site: 1. Click on the box below. Opublikowany w Online Privacy , Privacy , Windows. There are more. Pick one that looks good to you and start using it.
Several password managers, like Lastpass, offer a free version that will give you all the basic tools you need. Your company may also have a required password management software, with an administrator who will create an account for you. Check out our guide on password managers here: How to Use a Password Manager. Be careful about the links you click and watch for phishing or scam emails in your inbox. Only download or install software from sources you trust.
Yet, these myths about security are why companies need security policies as the foundation for an infosec program.
You want to make sure you know what your company holds you responsible for doing. Shannon McFarland writes about information security requirements and frameworks. Previously, she was the Director of Product Marketing at Securicy, and before that a journalist, Techstars hackstar, and a marketing consultant. She works remotely from her home in the Boston area. Learn more about why. Main Menu. Disable Windows 10 automatic login. Set a password with your screensaver. Turn on your firewall.
Disable remote access. Enable or install antivirus protection tools. Enable auto-updates for your operating system. Set up file backups. Turn on encryption. Set up your user accounts. Set up a password manager.
This is one of the first settings that you should change or check on your computer. Get the steps here: How to Disable Automatic Login in Windows 10 Bonus tip: If you do travel with your laptop or work from public places, you may want to get a privacy screen protector.
If you want to check the settings for your Windows Firewall, we have instructions for you here: How to Turn on the Firewall in Windows 10 4.
– Windows 10 enterprise privacy concerns free
The tactics Microsoft employed to get users of earlier versions of Windows to upgrade to Windows 10 went from annoying to downright malicious. This guide gives you our top tips and best practices for securing your computer and business operations. Many of these tips are pretty straightforward, free, or. However, media outlets have been critical of the changes to operating system behaviors, including mandatory update installation, privacy concerns over data.