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Windows Identity Foundation is a Microsoft software framework for building well as tools for building claims-aware and federation capable applications. Microsoft Windows Server installation media or VM templates and associated licenses; Credentials for Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM). Hello all and Happy New Year! In this post we’ll look at inter-operability scenarios involving simpleSAMLphp and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).


AD FS R2 | The Access Onion


Стратмор покачал головой: – Танкадо дал нам шанс. Это совершенно ясно. Тем не менее риск велик: если нас обнаружат, это, в сущности, будет означать, что он своим алгоритмом нас напугал.


Description of Windows Identity Foundation – Windows Server | Microsoft Docs.Windows Identity Foundation – Wikiwand


In your own environment, you need to obtain this certificate. This downloads the metadata configured in the previous task….

We also have successfully configured ADFS to support authentication for an application…. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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In the above graphic, we have an option to login with a virtual smart card top and an X client certificate bottom. This attribute contains the DER-encoded Xv3 certificates issued to the user. One thing that can be useful, should you be working with multiple certificates for a given user, is being able to cut and paste the hex encoded value into Notepad, save it, then check to see what the certificate value corresponds to using CERTUTIL.

Looking at a user authenticating with a client certificate, the following EKU is emitted as a claim. Instead, this is more akin to 1.

To finish up, Microsoft recently added support in Windows 7 for domain-joined clients via a hotfix. This was an unsupported setup in Microsoft eyes and, in the meantime, with the release of Windows Server R2, opportunities for supporting Exchange web applications such as OWA, have arisen.

In this my case, the token signing certificate had not been added to the Exchange servers as a trusted cert. Equally, the wrong Audience URI can present a configuration problem. Be aware that matching of path-based names is not supported in the current release of the WAP, so mixing path names between externally and internally published resources is a no-no. Alternatively, a suitably equipped front-end load balancer may also fulfill that role.

On the subject of load balancers, this rather conveniently brings me back to new features in AD FS R2. This is becoming a pain point for many, as evidenced by various posts on the Technet forums. The move to kernel-mode HTTP. As usual when connecting to the farm, the URL for the federation service needs to be added to the Local Intranet Zone within IE and any corresponding configuration changes made to support Kerberos for other browsers.

At this point, optional use of a clams provider connecting to the local AD or an MFA provider in R2 could also come into play to provide stronger authentication, should it be required. Having successfully authenticated via AD FS, we gain access to the user mailbox. Accessing the Exchange Admin Center remotely, with the Exchange Organization Administrator mylo , we can see the gamut of administrative console options available under federated logon.

This is one of those scenarios where it might be a good idea to apply stronger authentication MFA to privileged user accounts when accessing the Exchange Admin Center. At TechEd Europe, I was fortunate enough to chat with some of the folks from the Active Directory team about the new enhancements and to cover them here in a little more detail.

Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. The motive, highlighted in discussions at TechEd, is to improve performance, provide greater sign-in customization options and to assuage concerns for co-locating AD FS and AD DS on the same server IIS on domain controllers has been a long-standing security no-no. As the use of federation services goes more mainstream in everyday use with Windows 8.

With the new kernel-mode approach, support for running under server core also appears as an option in the new release. From a basic architecture standpoint and overview, the AD FS proxy has been supplanted by a role known as the Web Application Proxy, servicing connections for external clients.

The user interface UI through the migration to kernel mode is also significantly changed. This is also seen in more nuanced behaviour with respect to authentication within the product, reflected in greater flexibility in access control decisions. Listen: Yes. Delegate: Yes. SSL bindings can be reviewed using the netsh http show sslcert command. SSL Certificate bindings:. Hostname:port : sts. Certificate Hash : 1f54c1c62bdscffgb1aec2b2cbde5c Certificate Store Name : MY.

Verify Client Certificate Revocation : Enabled. Usage Check : Enabled. Revocation Freshness Time : 0. URL Retrieval Timeout : 0. Ctl Identifier : null. DS Mapper Usage : Disabled. Negotiate Client Certificate : Disabled. Hostname:port : localhost Certificate Hash : 1f52c0d62bc6a26c7fec2b2cbde5bc Certificate Hash : 2f5c41c62bc6a26c7fec21d2de5c Ctl Store Name : null.

Negotiate Client Certificate : Enabled. In this folder is the Microsoft. From this file all trace options for various services and endpoints can be enabled. The file in question is called Microsoft. Support for the new Device class requires a schema change to Active Directory. I suggest reading the following backgrounder and bear in mind that the AD FS Windows Server preview labs incorporate a workaround for testing purposes, in activating the root key, that is not recommended for production environments.

It is an additional optimization that is available to customers if they have Win domain controllers available. This can be immediately seen by viewing the claims descriptions list surfaced on a new AD FS installation. Devices will register with Active Directory through a Device Registration Service DRS and subsequently use an X certificate bound to the user context s on that machine for device authentication.

Devices that are workplace-joined emit additional claims during the logon process. Certificate support in claims handling has also been enhanced. Windows 8. In order to provide a comparison between old and new with Workplace Join, I began by looking at what claims and any new ones are processed from a vanilla Windows 8. To demonstrate a new change, I installed Mozilla Firefox and repeated the logon process. This represents a departure from the user experience and behaviour in AD FS 2.

With the latter, authentication would be downgraded to NTLM, because IWA was assumed in the farm configuration and the browser needed to be configured to explicitly support Kerberos for seamless login.

Out of the box, this is constrained to IE, meaning any other browser will revert to using forms logon when accessing resources from an internally connected client. Here we see the claims output from a Firefox login:. Then, via an external network through the new Web Application Proxy:. In addition to those claims types mentioned earlier is a new claims type for the client forwarded IP x-ms-forwarded-client-ip processed at the Web Application Proxy.

You may have observed at this point that there are no Device claims. This makes sense if we consider that their use is limited to client types that declare them, i.

Onto the workplace join process itself. To get your test lab up and running, I recommend reading this TechNet article. I tried this with the basic contoso. Ensure the Enterprise CA is trusted by the client and the certificate is installed in the Trusted Root Authorities section of the client. Importing the cert via the AIA endpoint is a good way of testing its availability and installing the certificate. URL enterpriseregistration. Root Authority is not trusted by the client.

This message is stating a number of possible issues generally bad :. Take particular note of any errors reported when trying to activate Device Registration Service; namely anything along the lines of:.

Users with these UPN suffix values will not be able to register their devices. To enable users with the corresponding UPN suffix to register their devices, provide a new SSL certificate containing the values listed below in the subject or subject alternative name.

In PC Settings, choose the Network option. Then select Network followed by the Workplace option:. If your configuration is working, certificates are trusted, appropriate AD FS and PKI endpoints are reachable, stars are in alignment just joking , then clicking on the Join button leads to AD FS responding with a challenge:.

Enter the Active Directory credentials for the user. This allows the discovery process to find the DRS endpoint and in an external setting this would point to the Web Application Proxy, your own Reverse Proxy or other suitable edge device. Connecting Windows 8. The join process then attempts a call to the enrollment server web service.

Using the adfs2. If the service can be reached successfully, the join process is initiated. Jumping into the Certificates User snap-in we see a certificate issued under the user context. Back to the WIF 3. Upon successful logon, the following claims are shown. With the Win 8. Inside the corporate network, we see the following:. From testing, the auto-discover function using the enterpriseregistration CNAME record in DNS, described in the previous section, is limited to the workplace join process for Windows 8.

I used an iPad 3 running iOS 6. Clearly, this is not something one would do automatically in a production environment, without a bit of forethought, but it works well in a demo environment.

Once the Apple configuration file. To test this, you can use the IdP initiated sign-on page in the default setup, e. Playing around, I turned the iPad on its side and we get an automatically resized window. This is a nice feature in the new UI in AD FS R2 that supports dynamic adjustment and positioning of elements through CSS, resizing pages accordingly across various devices and user agents think mobile client.

This redirects the browser to a sign-in page where we need to logon with the AD account that will be bound to the iOS device for the workplace join. Logging on with the demo adfs2. The install profile option and Workplace Join install option appears:. Clicking on Install Profile. Once the profile is installed we see a Certificate issued to the device, issued with a common name of MS-Organization-Access , as per the Windows 8.

Returning to the profile screen we see the completed Workplace Join profile. NB: The Demo Auth profile is the imported. This is a completely redesigned component, built to cater for federation services scenarios as well additional access scenarios beyond those seen in AD FS 2.

Configuration of the proxy itself also moves to the Remote Access Management snap-in. A configuration wizard is provided to connect the proxy to the back-end AD FS farm and a service account is required to register with the AD FS server s during installation. This service needs to be a member of the local administrators group on the AD FS farm.

Once connected to AD FS, a number of simple options are available for configuration. Prior to IIS 8.

SNI is a TLS extension that provides the hostname of the server the client is connecting to during handshaking. This allows much greater flexibility when configuring the proxy.

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